Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Frith, Stefanie. "California Refuses to Ban Soda Pop in School Vending Machines." Organic Consumers Association. 22 May 2002. 12 Dec. 2006. http://www.bayarea.com/mld/cctimes/news/state/3312655.htm.

If soda isn't healthy for you why wouldn't schools ban them from school? Banning unhealthy foods seems like a good solution to obesity.
Schools do benefit from the sale of soda. With more and more money being cut from school's budgets, anymore losses of money will result in cuts in programs that help students learn. According to the article about 750 million dollars are made from vending machines in school nationwide. Some schools that have banned the sale of soda have had to increase the price of lunches. Other school sponsored events' have had to raise there admission prices as well.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

What i want learn?

What is there to learn on obesity? I want to learn boths sides of this topic.
Why do parents feel that limiting the sales of soda in schools will decrease obesity of kids?
Why are kids obese?
What has changed in the lifestyle of kids of the past to the kids of today?
What are the econimic benifits of having or not having soda in schools.
Are kids rights being violated?(Do kids have rights?)
Are companies like Pepsi's or Coke's right to free enterprise being violated?

what is obesity?

Last Reviewed: January 2005
Palo Alto Medical Foundation

The information on this cite is mainly what obesity is, when it became a problem, and what it can lead to.

Obesity by definition is being overweight due to excess layers body fat. Being obese is when you are 20% heavier than your ideal weight based on your height. An example of being obese is, if a child that ideally should weigh 100 lbs, actually weighs 120+ lbs is classified as obese. Being overweight is different than obesity because being one pound to 19% over the ideal bodyweight for your height.

So why has obesity become such a hot topic? Well, in 1980 only 5% of kids living then were obese. When in 2000, 15% of american kids ages 6-19 were obese. Which is about 9 million kids.